There are various turmeric natural pesticides. Following are some of the turmeric crop pests:
Turmeric shoot borer (Dicchocrocis punctiferalis)
The pest population is greater in the field during September-October. The pest is most vigorous from July to October.
This is one of the most dangerous natural pesticides, where caterpillars bore into the shoots and cause dead hearts. Whilst the adult moths are yellow with black marks on both wings, the caterpillars are reddish brown, with black marks all over the body.
- Destruction of affected shoots
- Spraying with 0.84% endosulfan or 0.1% carbonyl
Lace Wing Bug (Stephanitis typicus)
This white lace wing bug is found in colonies on the foliage and causes a sticky appearance on the plant.
0.1% Malathion
Leaf roller (Udaspes folus)
Favourable conditions
- Temperature 26- 35° C, relative moisture 41 – 100%
This natural pesticides attacks the fields between August October.
Spraying Carbaryl (0.1%) Dimethoate or Phosphamidon (0.05%) each
Thrips (Panchastotrhips indicus)
Favourable conditions
- Warm and humid climate
The natural pesticides lays eggs on the back of the leaves and when hatched, the insect sucks the sap of the leaf. Infested leaves roll up, yellow and eventually die.
0.03% dimethoate, methyldemeton, phosphamidon or 0.1% carbonyl
Turmeric skipper
This pest is a black and white butterfly and leaves a mass of wax on the leaves.
0.03% dimethoate, methyldemeton, phosphamidon, 0.1% carbonyl each
Rhizome scale (Aspidiella hartii)
The rhizome scale fills rhizomes in the field (at later stages) and in storing.
The pest infests both the crop and those in storage. It causes those in the field to whither and those in storage to shrivel.
Dipping seed rhizomes in Quinalphos (0.025%) or Fenitrotthion (0.05%)for 5 minutes after harvest and before planting Phosphomidon (0.05%) on the field.